Red dress: “The best way to end melancholy...”
Red is the best colour. It fits any woman, just you need to remember that there are more than 30 different shades of red. Life, death, passion, the best way to end melancholy – it’s what the red colour really is. Everyone will stare at a woman in red". Speaking about his favourite colour, Valentino believes that if the red colour does not fit you, it means that you have not found the right shade yet.
In terms of its impact on a person, it is impossible to compare the red colour with any other. Symbolizing an explosion and fire, it attracts absolutely everyone's attention regardless of gender, sexual identity or social position. Every active and outstanding woman should have a red dress. A red dress, as a symbol of love, sex, active life position and love of life, attracts a torrent of male attention accelerating heartbeat and pressure. A woman who chooses a red piece of clothes for today's party or a meeting with a man consciously or unconsciously seeks to leave themost vivid impression. Generally, this woman is actively searching for a better half, a woman who wants to be noticeable, after communication with her you are unlikely to remain indifferent.
Psychologists say that colour can not only put a smile on your face, but you can completely change the feelings and attitude towards you. A dull business variant with grey and black prevailing does not cause a bright emotional reaction, you can just hide behind it. A little black dress is more likely designed to divert attention from you, rather than vice versa. Soft shades of blue create a feeling of home comfort, calm. If you want to avoid sex this evening, just put on a blue garment. Purple - mysterious and ambiguous, this colour envelops with a haze of charm and extravagance. Children who have been asked to draw something wonderful take a purple pencil in their hands. To create the image of a mysterious lady purple fits perfectly.
Well, red ... oh-oh! This colour gives odds to all colours. All the brightest and most tart emotions and extraordinary events are associated with red: life, death, love, passion, sex. If you want attention, bright events, dramatic changes in life, just wear red. But do not cross the limits. Being very active, this colour can be too defiant. Too much of a good thing is good for nothing... The stylists from DressTheatre Couture atelier will help you to solve the problem of proper and appropriate colour matching using a colour correction, and together you will find your shade of red. And then the red colour will be one of the main assistants to influence your mood and reaction of your vis-a-vis to you ...