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Your personal Couture wardrobe in perfect order. A dream or reality?

A perfect order, ability to orient in your own clothesroom, and the main thing - to use practically every garment in different combinations in the way it will not lie or hang for decades - is a dream of every woman. Who can make this kind of display? Very often even professional designers and stylists who deal with clothes' analyzing do not have real practical order among their garments, as it always has been - the cobbler always wears the worst shoes.

This thought comes to us several times a day when by many reasons we have to go to one of the most important places in our house. But you have no time to do it. Though we surreptitiously understand that the order of our wardrobe - is our energy and time, that fulfills us when everything is in the right place and we feel their absence when our clothesroom is a real mess.

Surely everybody heard about the professional stylists - the wardrobe analyzers. But it's so hard to admit an unknown person into your house, in your holy of more thing that stops you is that more often such people are of another social level. And it will not come into your head to look for a assistant or a stylist in the Internet. A different story is, if you have your own tailor shop, which maybe not so often but makes changes in their assortment, representing a new dress, blouse or costume.

Only for the friends and regular clients DressTheatreCouture has created a service of professional analyzing of the wardrobe with the following formation of the stylish and gorgeous Couture wardrobe. We know each other, we can easily talk about our clothes, we are quick to understand each other, we are on the same wavelength. It'll be easy to work together, we'll enjoy our communication, and along with it we'll do a great thing: we will have your clothes sorted out and totally renew your wardrobe.

This service is available only for the personal wardrobes of big sizes.


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